Baking Stations make cooking more fun. The weather cools and the aromas of sweet and savory treats fill the kitchen. But it can be a struggle to separate holiday baking from both day-to-day meal preparation and entertaining needs. Setting up a separate baking station is a great solution that can be surprisingly affordable and easy.
1. Plan for function. Ideally, your baking station should be a little lower than your standard countertop, which makes it easier to roll out dough or knead bread. A setup like this one separates the baking area from the rest of the island. This little baking corner also has an amazing mixer lift, which keeps the owner’s KitchenAid out of the way, yet ready to use at a moment’s notice.
Look for a surface designed for baking. Traditionally, marble has been the baker’s choice. The hard surface is easy to clean and stays cool, a plus when working with pastry doughs.
2. Decide how much space you need. Before deciding where you want to tuck a baking area into your kitchen, figure out exactly how much space you’ll need. Pull out all of your baking supplies and put them in one place. Odds are you have more than you think.
If you don’t have enough room for everything in your baking area, divide your supplies into those you use frequently and those you only use occasionally. The latter can be stored elsewhere.
To read more about Baking Stations, check out this article on HOUZZ .